Day 4 was a busy day. We, picked up a truck which makes transporting kayaks easier, caught 76 lizards on 2 islands, released lizards from the previous day on 2 islands, and skyped with 4 different classrooms. We also processed (weighed, measured, photographed, and marked) a ton of lizards. On day 4 it was very sunny, which made for active lizards. This both helps us (as lizards are out and about) and hinders us (as the lizards are really hard to catch). The lizards become hard to catch because they are ectothermic, and in warm temperatures they are operating close to their optimal body temperature, which makes them very athletic. Still, we managed to get a lot of them.
Today is Day 5 (Saturday). Today it was very cool and overcast, and we found very few lizards in the morning (only 6 captured in total). In the early afternoon, it started to storm, so we got of the islands as quickly as possible and made it back to shore just before a huge rain, lightning, and hail storm. So now we are catching up on other work.